Tom, Mark and .... Rich? (no Trav??)

Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004 at 11:48 AM

** A little Blink 182 humor for ya there **

Hey guys-

What's new, what's new?

Hmm... Let's see...

1. Matt called me and asked me to lie for him about the whole Matt/Dana/Ben situation. And since Ben had already asked me, and I had already confirmed what he had heard, I was not about to go back on a truth. And I honestly do not think that lying is the best mode of operation. So I don't know what is up with me and Matt right now, which sucks, but it's not something that is my fault. Matt is a great guy and I don't know why he feels as though he needs to lie to everyone. By telling one lie, he's told 12 and now he's asking all his friends to lie for him? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I know Matt is better than that.

2. Rich- he called me Sunday night. We talked for all of 15 minutes. And as much as I like him- I am beginning to think that it really isn't going to go anywhere. He keeps bringing up that he's not ready to be in a relationship right now and I want to scream at him: SHUT UP DUDE! I heard ya the first 400 times- and move past that. We can't go forward if we're always talking about where we stand. I just want to hang out and have fun, but I can't when we always have to talk about being in a relationship or lack there of.

3. Went out Saturday night. (Fell asleep on the couch in the basement Friday night) I went to Josh's with Jeff and Mary and Josh made us chicken and pasta. It was really good- although I didn't eat much- because I hadn't eaten all day. I worked out that morning (Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease) and did the Hip Hop and Advanced Striptease videos. Man did I feel it the next day. I also did my free weights and ran 2 miles. Well, I walked some of it because I talked to Rob on my phone...

Anywho- I went to Josh's and then we went to the porn store. After that, I dropped Mary Jo off, dropped Jeff and Josh off and met up with Mark (My ex, not my neighbor), at Peg & Lous.

We drank for a bit and I met some new people. There was this cutie there that kept making eye contact with me, so finally when he came up to talk to Mark, I started talking to him. We talked for a bit and he asked for my phone number. I gave him my cell phone number and he gave me his.

Went back to Mark's house that night and partied for 2.5 seconds with his roomies. Then we went upstairs and did the usual Mark and Missie thing, we listened to some Fiona, Sarah, Natalie and Alanis. We talked about the lyrics and then we got on politics. All in all, it was a great night. I ended up staying there because he lives in north Racine and it was 5 am. But nothing happened. And he didn't try anything. Which was good- because I'm not getting back into anything with Mark.

Anywho- so the next day, I went home, slept for a little more, and got ready for the Packers game. I met Mark and more of his friends at Peg & Lous again and we watched the game.

Tom came and was sitting a little away from me, so I text'd him 'hello over there' and he text'd me "If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?" lol so we went back and forth. Mark was rubbing my shoulders and got tired, so he said- go get one from Tom. So I went and jokingly sat on his lap and ended up there for the rest of the game. He's got his nipples pierced and we all know how much Missie LOVES that.

He's got a tattoo on his arm and his tongue and ear pierced as well. Totally hot.

He's got a killer smile and dresses well. And that's just the beginning.

We got to talking and hit it off really well.

After the game, we went back to Mark's house and that's when Rich called. I was talking to Rich on the phone and Tom came over and grabbed me and put me on the counter. He was standing right in front of me while I was trying to talk things out with Rich. I finally gave up and told Rich bye. Then Tom and I were goofing around and he kissed me.

It was nice. Very nice.

We ended up leaving Mark's (Me, Kelly, Rick (Tom's friend) and Tom) and going to Tom's house. (He lives with his mom who works 2nd shift- til 1:30)

We were sitting on the recliner together because Rick and Kelly had grabbed the couch. We were talking and he said- do you want to go in my room so we're not so scrunched- and watch TV. So we did- I told him as long as he behaved...

We were laying on his bed, smooching and talking when all of a sudden there's a knock on his window and then his door flies open- and it's his ex girlfriend. And she's screaming and going nuts. So Tom looks at me like he's mortally embarrassed and I'm like- hey, I'm gonna bring Kelly home, I'll talk to you later. So I left and brought Kelly home and not more than 30 minutes after we had left, he called me. He felt so bad, which is understandable, but I honestly didn't care too much. It wasn't his fault that she was being crazy and that she even came over. So he explained to me their situation (they've been broken up for a while) and we talked about other things after that. The next day, he called me and asked me to go play pool. I went with him and Rick and we played for a while. Marisa called and I had her meet us at Gardens for coffee.

But anywho- Rick told me that him and Tom had talked and that Tom said he likes me. Which is cool. I definitely want to get to know him better. So we'll see where this goes.

He said to call him this week or he'll call me, so maybe we can get together later this week.

Andy emailed me, I have to email him back, so we'll see where that goes.

Oh- I know what I forgot to mention up there- Ben and I hung out Sunday afternoon. We went and got Subway and talked for a while. We're really getting close and he's helped me out a lot through all of this. (Amy, Matt, Rich, everything) And I'm really grateful that he's in my life.

I have to go back to work now, but I'll write more about the amy situation later. It hurts. Bad. And I miss her. And I hate that we aren't talking. But I will not take responsibility for actions that were not my own. I apologized for what I did wrong, but I will not apoloize for what I didn't have anything to do with. And she's hurt that I was defensive- I apologized for that. I can't say I'm sorry over and over and over. But I will if it helps. But I think I'm owed an apology as well. We'll see. I hope we talk soon.

I have an apointment with ITT in Greenfield tonight. (at 6) to tour the campus. We'll see how that goes as well.

Talk at ya all lata- Peace~ Miss

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