Quizes For Everyone!

Friday, Feb. 13, 2004 at 12:33 PM

You are the seductress pin-up! You are self-
explanatory. You slut!

What Type Of Retro Gal Are You?
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What Element are You?
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Soroity Slut
You're Soroity Slut Barbie! You're easy and you're
really cheesy! Have fun with the entire
football team.

If You Were A Barbie, Which Messed Up Version Would You Be?
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My inner child is six years old today

My inner child is six years old!

Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
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